Pastor, meet your new creative media team.

We'll handle all the
so you can stick to pastoring

just a few of the great teams we've worked for

Learn More: Here's How Our Service Works

You're not supposed to be buried in tech issues, graphics projects, and social media content...You're supposed to be pastoring.

Let us handle the hard digital stuff so you can get back to doing what you’re called to. Chances are, you’re scrambling to figure this online stuff out like everyone else. You’re overworked, out of your depth, and you need help. Problem is, you likely can’t afford to bring on a dedicated staff member to handle this – and if you’re blessed to have additional staff, they are overworked and overwhelmed already as well!
That's where the Digital Church Virtual Creative Pastor comes in.

We're a team of creatives who live & breathe local church ministry, & we'll put together a monthly social media & design plan that fits what you need.

Services & Options We Offer:

Let's talk about what we can help with. Fill this out and we'll be in touch fast to talk about a plan.

Let's Talk. Contact Us Today and let's see if this would be a good fit!

Why outsource to our team instead of just hiring
an in-house staff member?

Challenges With Hiring In-House Or Using Volunteers
Benefits to outsourcing to the Digital Church Team

We're not simply a team of nerds that have computers and know how to do the tech stuff. We also are all pastors, worship leaders, youth pastors that have a heart for ministry and understand the why, not just the how.

Our Founder has a background in Youth Ministry & Creative Pastoring

Our Creative Director has run creative for the NTD youth department and is an executive pastor in North Texas

Our Project Manager comes from years of youth ministry and local church admin

Our Social Media Designer is a marketing lead at a Christian University

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